- President: Derek Risso, Ecosystem Sciences
- Past-President: Corrie Hugaboom, HDR
- President-Elect: Ellen Berggren, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Vice-President and Program Committee Chair: Jackson Reed, WestWater Research
- Secretary/Treasurer: Kathy Peter, Community Volunteer
- Young Professional: Natalya Kojevnikova, WestWater Research
- CH2M Hill
- Ecosystem Sciences
- GeoEngineers, Inc.
- Givens Pursley LLP
- HDR Engineering
- MWH Americas
- West Water LLC
Presentation: Swan Falls Agreement and its Aftermath 30 years later
November 19, 2014 Speaker: Lynn Tominaga, Idaho Water Policy Group
Presentation: Computer models used to conjunctively administer water rights on the ESPA
October 29, 2014
Speaker: Dr. Allan Wylie ,Idaho Department of Water Resources
Dinner Meeting: Responding to Climate Change – What we Know and What we are Doing?
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Panel Members:
- Wayne S. Wright (Moderator), GeoEngineers, Inc.
- Neely Miller, Idaho Department of Water Resources
- Rob Sampson, Natural Resource Conservation Service
- Daniel J. Isaak, US Forest Service
- Toni E. Turner, Bureau of Reclamation
IDAWRA Movie Night at The Flicks: "Return of the River"
September 18, 2014 Speaker: Robert Hamilton, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Engineer
Presentation: Unmanned aerial systems application to environmental assessments
May 1 , 2014
Speakers: Matt Hayes and David James, Hayes & James, LLC
Annual Dinner Meeting: Reducing Post-Fire Watershed Flood Risk - Paths to Community Success
April 17,2014
Panel Members:
- T.J. Clifford, BLM, Burned Area Emergency Response Team Lead for Elk-Pony Wildfire Complexes
- Angenie McCleary, Blaine County Commissioner
- Ellen Berggren, US Army Corps of Engineers, Idaho Silver Jackets Coordinator
- Michael Lewis, USGS, Director of Idaho Water Science Center
- Mark Stephensen, Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security, State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Presentation: Big Wood River Post-Fire Flood Damage Risk Impact Assessment from the 2013 Beaver Creek Fire near Hailey
April 9, 2014
Speaker: Darrell Eidson, P.E., D.WRE, Hydraulic Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla
Presentation: Debris-Flow Hazard Assessment of the Area Burned by the 2013 Beaver Creek Fire near Hailey
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Speaker: Kenneth Skinner, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Presentation: Atlas of the Arab Region and the Environmental Atlas of Abu Dhabi
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Speaker: Timothy Maguire, Biogeographer, Ecosystem Sciences